Tag Archives: Young Buffalo

Song of the Day: Catapilah – Young Buffalo

Young Buffalo, a three-piece-band from Mississippi, is slowly entering the airwaves with their fairly recent release, Catapilah. The band consists of Alex Hardberger, Ben Yarbrough, and Jim Barrett, all friends who crafted the project in ’09.

With influences of the only two kind of boys out there, the Beach and the Beastie, Young Buffalo classify their sound as Afro-Beat and Soul. I’m not sure if that would be exactly how I would describe what I’ve heard thus far but to be honest, it doesn’t really matter what genre you pin them in – their music is ridiculously addictive.

With that being said, I’m interested to hear more from them and hopefully Young Buffalo will get a positive response toward their unique vocal and percussion-based sound.

– Jamey

Artist: Young Buffalo

Song: Catapilah

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Filed under Folk, Indie, Pop